Welcome to the largest database of refrigeration
products & suppliers in the Middle East

Please note: All product and company listings are entered and managed by the companies that have registered. CPI Industry is not authorised to carry out any editing.

The Refrigeration Buyers' Guide is a comprehensive compendium of the refrigeration industry. The 2016 edition will feature state-of-the-refrigeration-industry reports in the region, including major projects and, in keeping with tradition, will feature product-wise and company-wise listings, with 13 new product categories. The online version, which you can update all year through, offers an exciting, interactive format, which allows for direct connect between seller and buyer through an online search option. In addition, it is a proven, powerful digital storehouse of marketing information and an ideal platform to further position your brand.


Product Categories

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Country-wise Listings

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Disclaimer: CPI Industry is not responsible for, or guarantees, the safety, reliability, energy efficiency, IEQ-enhancing properties, etc., of the products listed in this website and in the print book; the onus is on the purchaser to carry out necessary evaluation measures before arriving at a buying decision.