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There is '1' company listed in: 'Pakistan'
Koldkraft Climate Technologies Limited
Address : 247-S, Quad-e-Azam Industrial Estate, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel : +92 42 35116727
Fax : +92 42 35122528
Website : http://www.koldkraftclimate.com
Products: Blast freezers, Condensing units (commercial refrigeration), Heat exchangers, Insulated panels, Insulation, Refrigerated counters, Refrigerated warehouses, Refrigeration systems (parallel compressor with remote evaporators and condensers), Refrigeration systems (parallel compressor), Refrigeration systems (warehouses), Transport refrigeration (also see Reefer semi-trailers), Walk-in coolers (above freezing), Walk-in coolers (below freezing), Walk-in freezers, Walk-in refrigerators
Products: Blast freezers, Condensing units (commercial refrigeration), Heat exchangers, Insulated panels, Insulation, Refrigerated counters, Refrigerated warehouses, Refrigeration systems (parallel compressor with remote evaporators and condensers), Refrigeration systems (parallel compressor), Refrigeration systems (warehouses), Transport refrigeration (also see Reefer semi-trailers), Walk-in coolers (above freezing), Walk-in coolers (below freezing), Walk-in freezers, Walk-in refrigerators

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