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EPTA International

Epta, a multinational Group specializing in commercial refrigeration, has made a name for itself in the world through a strong industrial culture, great competitive strength, a significant presence worldwide in numerous business areas and staff of 4,000 employees. It has an important presence in the Middle East with a branch in Dubai pursuing the Group’s mission to promote and market the many products and services offered by the Group brands.

Its flagship is the Technical Department: this function develops System Design activities selecting the most efficient technology and offers turn-key solutions, from installation to after-sales service.

The consulting strength of Epta International, either working directly with clients or through its subsidiaries, is capable of meeting the needs of local markets through its global solutions: the Project Management service provides real and effective comprehensive support, specializing in design and merchandising solutions with great customization capabilities, focusing attention on showcasing food and preserving quality and flavour.

The turnkey approach logic is the key to Epta International's success: the company caters for complete projects,for integrated commercial refrigeration and Ho.Re.Ca. systems.

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