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Profile: Reftech Refrigeration
We are a highly experienced team with our 30 years experience in the successful design, engineering, supply, installation and service of industrial and commercial refrigeration equipments and systems.
Reftech is tied up with emicon refrigeration, Italy for the supply of industrial refrigeration systems, and with a p Europe for the supply of cold chain products, temperature/humidity monitoring, data logging, weather mapping for temperature controlled warehouses and cold stores for food industry and pharmaceutical industry.
We have an agreement with a European company to supply condensing units with bitzer compressors and evaporators for cold stores.
Our show room is located opposite Al Maktoum Hospital in Dubai, and we stock a large quantity of OEM quality replacement compressor parts with warranty on performance and fitment. We also stock copper pipes, pipe insulation, compressors, ventilation fans, Freon gases, capacitors and controls.
Company website: www.reftechdubai.com
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