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Profile — Secop

With 60 years’ experience in compressor technology, Secop (formerly known asDanfoss Compressors) is one of the founding fathers of modern compressor technology with an experience that goes back to the beginning of the 1950’s.

As a global company, Secop is well aware of its commitment to meet market requirements and customer needs everywhere. For this reason, Secop has globalized its operations, to secure delivery, reliability and improve manufacturing productivity.

Production facilities are located in Austria, Slovakia and China. They all follow the same manufacturing practice and approved quality control systems.

Secop’s headquarters are situated in Flensburg, Germany. In 2010 the German holding company AURELIUS AG acquired DanfossCompressors from the Danfoss Group, Denmark. In connection with the new ownership, DanfossCompressors GmbH changed their name to Secop GmbH. In 2013 Secop acquired ACC FürstenfeldAustria. This acquisition makes Secop the largest independent European compressor manufacturer.

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